a call for art
You are invited to participate in an open competition to provide the book cover art for the re-publication of Lane von Herzen's novel, The Unfastened Heart. The winner of this competition will be awarded The Icon Prize, will receive $1500 in prize money, and will have his or her artwork appear on the book cover. The terms and conditions of this competition are as follows:
Submit your original artwork created in response to Lane von Herzen's novel, The Unfastened Heart. Each submission should include a brief statement about the section of the novel to which your art speaks.
You may enter for consideration paintings, photographs, graphic art, collage art, and other visual media by submitting a digital photograph (in JPG or JPEG format) of the work through the link at the bottom of this page. You should submit images saved with maximum quality compression with a long dimension of at least 1000 pixels at 72 or 300 dpi. Please try to keep the file size under 2 MB.
You may submit more than one entry.
All submissions are subject to the format guidelines and limits set forth in this document.
No submissions will be considered if they are defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane or otherwise offensive or in poor taste. Anyone who participates in the competition in a disrespectful or unlawful manner, including making hostile or negative comments related to age, disability, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity, will be disqualified.
Posting of the work is at the discretion of the administrators.
The judging staff will select the winning submission. The winner will be awarded the 2010 Icon Prize and a cash award of $1500, and the winner's submission will be used for the cover art for the re-publication of The Unfastened Heart.
By submitting your work to this competition, you are representing and agreeing as follows: (i) your submission is your own original artwork and, at the time of your submission, you have all ownership rights in the submission; (ii) you authorize us to publish your submission on the author's blogsite and website without restriction or compensation; and (iii) if you are selected as the winner, you will accept The Icon Prize and the $1500 award in full compensation for all right, title and interest in any and all visual reproductions of your original work for all purposes related to the novel and The Icon Prize. The artist retains ownership of the original work, and is free to sell the original work as he/she wishes.
This competition is being organized to support and nurture the work and careers of other artists who gather together around a common literary work. If your submission does not win the competition but you nevertheless wish to make your original work available for sale, the author may choose to assist you by creating gallery showings of your work, either online or otherwise, at a price you select, with the profit to be realized solely by you. If you wish, the author and publisher may also elect, in their sole discretion, to include your submission in a "gallery" of submissions interior to the pages of the book, allowing the book's readers to see your work, read a brief biography about you, and link to websites displaying more of your work.
Any questions or disputes related to the terms, conditions or participation in this competition shall be resolved by the author and publisher in their absolute discretion.
Deadline: Art will be accepted through December 31, 2010. Please note that the administrators encourage early entries, as another prize category may be added to reflect higher numbers of submissions. Finalists will be notified via e-mail by January 31, 2011. Following this date, fine arts finalists who have not incorporated graphic design into their work (a design including title and author of the book) may be paired with graphic designers in order to present the book covers in their print-ready format for the final round of judging. The administrators may elect to hold a series of gallery events to promote the finalists' work prior to the judging of the winner, with the intent of bringing notice to the finalists as artists deserving of ongoing recognition of their artistic endeavors. The winner of The Icon Prize will be announced no earlier than June 1, 2011 and no later than December 31, 2011. The winning artist will be notified via e-mail.
Submit your art to theiconprize(at)gmail(dot)com.
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