Opening Reception: Moonshine Baseline by Frank Callaghan • October 26, Wed, 6-9pm at silverlens
Silverlens Gallery is pleased to present Frank Callaghan’s latest body of work, Moonshine Baseline. With his work firmly rooted in found nighttime landscapes, Frank Callaghan reveals his visual roots by making his light source his subject matter. These are portraits of the moon hanging on the horizon.
Setting up the found, like a hunter setting up light traps for his camera, his is a meticulous and repetitive process. In previous shows, Stranger, Dwelling, and the hugely popular River of Our Dreams, Callaghan would stalk urban landscapes looking for interesting material to record over long exposures.
This time, he adds the horizon as a constant, as he puts the moon, our earth’s partner, in focus. Decidedly non-random in this process, he says, “There is peace and freedom in structure.” Callaghan has learned to simplify, and by simplifying, the message has become clearer.
As a related gallery event, Frank Callaghan will be hosting a Full Moon Party featuring music by Caliph 8 on November 10, 2011, Thursday, 8pm-midnight.
Moonshine Baseline by Frank Callaghan opens on October 26, 2011 simultaneously with Keen City by Isabel Roxas at SLab and Bart’s Homework by Elaine Roberto-Navas at 20SQUARE. All three shows run until November 19, 2011.
To RSVP, please call 8160044 or email manage@silverlensphoto.com
For inquiries, contact the Silverlens Galleries at 2/F YMC Bldg. II, 2320 Pasong Tamo Ext., Makati, 816- 0044, 0917-5874011, or manage@silverlensphoto.com. Gallery hours are 10am–7pm from Mondays to Fridays, and 1-6pm on Saturdays.
Words by Isa Lorenzo; Image: Frank Callaghan, Moonshine Baseline #11, 2011