Bring back Baratta
Online petition to reinstate the outgoing chair of the Venice Biennale foundation reaches more than 3,800 signatures
By Helen Stoilas | Web only
Published online 27 Oct 11 (News)
VENICE. An online petition to reinstate the outgoing chairman of the Venice Biennale foundation, Paolo Baratta, has reached 3,800 signatures. Among the petition’s supporters are leading art world figures, including Nicholas Serota, the director of Tate, and Bice Curiger, the curator of this year’s biennial.
“In these four years the Biennale increased the international prestige of the Fondazione and was useful in creating a strong relationship with the city and its institutions,” the online petition states. “For this reason we ask the minister of culture, Giancarlo Galan, to maintain the experience of Paolo Baratta as the president of Biennale. It's very important to guarantee the continuity of his work for the city.”