Tug of war in the CCP board over ‘Kulo’
By: Fra. Paolo Maria Diosdado Granados Casurao
Philippine Daily Inquirer
6:08 am Monday, August 22nd, 2011
It is unfair that those Cultural Center of the Philippines board members opposed to the exhibit be treated in the same way as those who were for it:
1. Prior to Aug. 5, there was no board consultation regarding the exhibit. CCP board meets only once a month.
2. The exhibit was a fait accompli when the special executive board meeting was convened.
3. The decision to mount the exhibit was primarily in the hands of the artistic director and head of Visual Arts.
4. Even if Raul Sunico was opposed to the exhibit, he was apparently overruled by the chair, Emily Abrera.
5. During the executive board meeting of Aug 5, sensing perhaps that those who opposed the exhibit were in the majority, the chair did not call for a vote.
6. Sunico forced a referendum the following Monday (Aug. 8), which gave him the mandate to close down the exhibit.
7. Abrera should give honorable example and resign from the board.
Read full article here.