Tad’s work, God is Murder, is quite a strong example of a work that is frequently misinterpreted to denote a certain vision of divine hatred, basically focused on God itself. Well, for one, it could be a possibility, but this work could also be viewed as something that is more of an anti-religion or anti-institution type of rendition. The artist could simply refer to sacrificial lambs, which are ironically a huge part of most Christian-related teachings. Somehow, it might just be a satirical image showing that dead sheep heads peek from heaven instead of god’s wonderful choir of angels.
But then again, it could be the other way around, the other more extreme interpretation of it, which is the complete disembowelment of one’s faith and the destruction of anything else that supports it, and in the end, it might plunge someone into an existential nightmare, which simply represents a murderous, blood-hungry, virgin consuming, sacrifice loving god, or perhaps, one that does not even exist at all.