The northern highlands of Luzon have fascinated travelers and explorers from Europe and the United State for more than a century. Successive expeditions in the mid-19th century brought to the Westsories and pictures of exotic cultures: fierce warriors/headhunters, half-naked maidens adorned with shells, beads and intricate tattoes; hanging coffins; elaborately-beaded hand-woven clothing; lips and teeth made red by the chewing of bunga; tribal feasts; sculptural rice guardians.
Pinto Art Gallery presents a contemporary view of the proud peoples and cultures of these tribes in NORTH LIGHT – paintings of Sagada views by Popo San Pascual, sculpture by Ling Quisumbing Ramilo, photographs of tattoed Kalinga women by Jake Versoza, plates and vases by Sagada potters Tessie Baldo, Siegrid Anne Bangyay, Lope Bosaing and Jessie Degay.
North Light is an appreciation of nature’s bounty and beauty, and its interaction with people that gives life to culture. Traditions begin and die within the frail balance achieved by people taming and sustaining their environment, but beauty, no matter hoe ephemeral, will always be remembered and celebrated.
Texts by Rene E. Guatlo